Promise's outreach staff can help people navigate Medicaid changes

SIOUX CENTER � Are you confused about the flurry of changes going on with Iowa�s privately managed Medicaid program? Are you concerned about how you will be affected because you no longer will be covered by AmeriHealth Caritas of Iowa and have been switched to UnitedHealthcare? Do you wonder if you will be affected as an Amerigroup Iowa member? Fatima Arteaga and the rest of the outreach staff at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center can help answer questions that people have regarding changes going with their insurance in Iowa's privately managed Medicaid program. The outreach staff at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center can help you navigate this confusing and complex situation. They can answer questions and help you understand the changes � whether you have been covered by AmeriHealth, Amerigroup or UnitedHealthcare. The advice and assistance that they provide is free. �I would encourage people to come to Promise and talk to our outreach department ab...