Tuschen eager to lead in new chief operations officer role at Promise

SIOUX CENTER � Emily Tuschen is taking a step up in leadership at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center. Tuschen has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer from her role as the Clinic Manager. The COO position is a revamping of Promise�s previous Director of operations position, which has been vacant for several months. She said working as the clinic manager at Promise for the past year and a half has been big blessing to her, but she is excited about the challenges of her new role. Emily Tuschen has been promoted to the position of chief operating officer at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center after serving a year and a half as the clinic manager. She is excited to take her leadership to a new level to help the help center continue to adapt its services into the future. �The more I learn about the programs of Promise, the more I want to know,� Tuschen said. �I have been exposed to surface-level program details and now am challenged to really dig in and rea...