Schiltz to serve as family practice nurse practitioner at Promise CHC

SIOUX CENTER � Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center announces the hiring of Faith Schiltz as a family practice nurse practitioner. She will begin seeing patients on Monday, July 30. Faith Schiltz, ARNP, looks forward to joining the medical provider team at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center as a nurse practitioner. She will begin seeing patients at the health center on Monday, July 30. Schiltz, an advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP), will complete Promise�s medical provider team. Beth Strub, who served as a nurse practitioner at Promise since August 2008, is moving on to provide women�s health at Iowa City VA Health Care System. Her last day is Friday, June 29. Schiltz will be a familiar face to many of Promise�s patients because she served a preceptorship at Promise for a few months in 2016. She is eager to return. �I experienced firsthand the passion of Promise supporters and staff, as well as witnessed their commitment to removing health-care b...