Karen Sanchez fulfills lifelong desire to work in medical field

SIOUX CENTER � Karen Sanchez has had an interest in the medical field for as long as she can remember and always has had a special connection with children.

When she was in middle school, that interest only increased when her younger sister was diagnosed with asthma. That gave her the opportunity to tour Avera�s medical facilities in Sioux Falls, opening her eyes to various pediatric specialties. She knew she wanted to pursue a career in caring for children.
Karen Sanchez has assumed the position of optometry/
medical assistant at Promise Community Health Center
in Sioux Center. She will play a key role in Promise's
launch of vision services during mid-February.

Karen now has that opportunity. She has assumed the role of optometry/medical assistant at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center.

�It is a great opportunity to be part of an astounding organization,� she said. �It also provides me with more health-care knowledge. I am very excited to be part of this great community and organization.�

Karen grew up in Hull and graduated from Rock Valley High School in 2014. She then attended a year at Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon before starting to work at Staples Promotional Products in Orange City in May 2015.

She�s now excited to work at Promise, where she will participate in the establishment of the new vision program, which will launch in mid-February at the health center. Her job duties will include assisting providers in both vision and medical services. She will prepare the rooms for the patients� visits, will communicate with patients about their health needs and prepare them for the visit with the provider and any exams or tests, and will offer basic education to the patients. She also will interpret for Spanish-speaking patients.

�There are many things I am looking forward to in this new role I was given � such as caring for patients, being a part of a great staff and being able to learn more about the medical field,� Karen said. �I am mostly looking forward to being a part of building the new optometry program here at Promise CHC. It will be a great journey, and I cannot wait to get started.�

She has found Promise to be �a well-rounded organization� that has �the most incredible and kind� board and staff. She said Promise�s personnel truly care about the well-being and health of their patients.

She wants to play her part in that.

�I hope to make patients feel comfortable and welcomed to the clinic and also leave them smiling and happy with their visit,� she said. �I also hope to bring leadership to the new vision program part of the clinic and hope to make it grow to its full potential.�

Promise Community Health Center, headquartered in Sioux Center, is the only Federally Qualified Health Center in the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, dental, prenatal and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit www.promisechc.org

Karen Sanchez lives in Orange City. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing sports and being active, watching Netflix and attending her siblings� sports events.

Promise Community Health Center is targeting mid-February for the start of its new vision program in its downtown Sioux Center health center. The tentative vision care hours are 8 a.m.-noon Wednesdays initially. Dr. Dan Clousing, an optometrist for Beaver Eye Care in Sioux Center, will serve as the on-site vision provider.


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