Celebrating the impact Promise CHC's nurses have on patients

SIOUX CENTER � Nurses positively impact the lives of patients every day with care and compassion.

That's why the National Nurses Week theme for 2016 is so fitting: "Culture of Safety � It Starts With You." National Nurses Week is celebrated May 6-12 every year, ending with Florence Nightingale's birthday.

Personnel related to the profession at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center include registered nurses, advanced registered nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and medical assistants.
Promise Community Health Center's nurses, nurse
midwives, nurse practitioners and medical assistants
include (front, from left) Ruth Hernandez, Sandra Rodriguez, Beth Strub; (middle) Pam Hulstein, Kristen Schuler, Kari Ney, Nancy Dykstra, Alex Van Beek, Karen Sanchez; (back) Erica Robertson, Vicki Schrock, Tana Kass, Emily Tuschen and Kim Davelaar. Not pictured are Belinda Lassen and Daisy Gasca.

Here are reflections from a few of them about what makes their role rewarding:

Erica Robertson, RN: "The most rewarding aspect of this job is interacting with patients, ensuring they know someone cares about their well-being and then helping them reach their goals/potential health."

Beth Strub, ARNP: "I feel most rewarded when I feel that what we do here truly has made someone else�s life better � that we helped them in some way."

Vicki Schrock, RN, clinic manager: "I enjoy educating patients so that health can be achieved. When a patient understands their new medication, new diagnosis or new life circumstance, I get excited."

Here are thoughts about why they like to serve at Promise in particular:

Robertson: "Love that we don�t just say we have a mission � we live that mission in helping others and do so as a team."

Strub: "I feel that our mission does in fact help others! I truly think we have the best staff to work with and are truly a team making a difference for our clients every day."

Promise Community Health Center, headquartered in Sioux Center, is the only Federally Qualified Health Center in the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit www.promisechc.org or watch this video.


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