Promise CHC to offer two Flu Vaccine Clinics: Sept. 21 and Oct. 19

SIOUX CENTER � Promise Community Health Center will offer two Flu Vaccine Clinics this fall.

They will be held at Promise � located at 338 1st Ave. NW, Sioux Center, across from the Sioux Center city hall � on the following dates:
  • 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21;
  • 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19.
Lester Molina prepares to get his flu shot during
last year's Flu Vaccine Clinic at Promise Community
Health Center in Sioux Center. This year, Promise
will offer the flu shots 3-6 p.m. Sept. 21 and Oct. 19.

The influenza vaccine shots are free for youth 18 years old and under and $25 for anyone over 18 years old. Promise also accepts insurance to cover the cost of the flu vaccines.

No appointments are necessary. People can walk in at any time during the flu clinics.

Any child between the ages of 6-35 months will need to get two half doses that are at least 28 days apart. Therefore, parents of those children are encouraged to attend both flu clinic dates so both doses can be given to their child. Otherwise, a special appointment will need to be made for the second dose.

This year, the nasal mist will not be offered due to the Centers of Disease Control�s recommendation on the effectiveness of the vaccination method. The CDC does strongly recommend the flu vaccine shot, however.

According to the CDC, influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death. The annual flu season can begin as early as October and last as late as May. During the past 31 flu seasons, the CDC has estimated that influenza deaths annually have ranged from as low as 3,000 to as high as 49,000.

The annual vaccine protects against the influenza virus strains that research has indicated will be the most common during the upcoming flu season, according to the CDC. People are protected against those infection strains after antibodies are developed in the body about two weeks following the vaccination.

To learn more about the flu vaccine, visit the CDC key facts page at

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is the only Federally Qualified Health Center in the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit or watch this video.


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