Support Promise CHC whenever you shop on Amazon � for free

SIOUX CENTER � You can give a gift that keeps on giving to Promise Community Health Center this Christmas season � and beyondwithout spending a penny.

And it�s easy.

Every time you shop with Amazon, the online retailer will automatically donate 0.5 percent of the purchase price to Promise. All you have to do is select Promise as your charity of choice.

To get started, go to the following link to register Promise Community Health Center as your charity: Promise will remain your charity of choice whenever you shop thereafter on Amazon unless you change it.

Once you are registered, just go to � rather than � every time you shop for goods online through Amazon. The website works exactly the same as the regular Amazon site with the same selection of products, same services and same shopping experience that you have become accustomed to. Your login and password to sign in and all your account information also remains the same.

The only difference: You will support Promise.

�This is a wonderful way for people to support Promise without costing them anything. All you have to do is sign up,� said Derrick Vander Waal, public relations and development coordinator for Promise. �This is Amazon�s way of giving back and supporting charitable organizations such as Promise.�

The mission of Promise is to provide accessible, holistic health care that adapts to the needs of the community to improve the wellbeing of all persons.

As a community health center, Promise provides health care to all who seek no matter their income level, ethnic background or life situation. Promise helps people overcome whatever barriers they may face to health care � whether that be lack of insurance, language or transportation. Last year, for example, 37 percent of Promise�s patients had no insurance and 38 percent were on Medicaid.

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is the only Federally Qualified Health Center serving the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit and watch this video. For more Promise news, visit

For more information about AmazonSmile, visit this link. Answers to frequently asked questions are provided there.


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