Three graduate students do preceptorships at Promise CHC this fall

SIOUX CENTER � Three visitors have become familiar faces at Promise Community Health Center this fall.

The three graduate students have put in many hours completing preceptorships with providers at the health center as practical training for their future careers.

Learn a little more about them:

Trisha Harms (right) completed
her preceptorship at Promise
CHC with Tana Kass, ARNP.

College: Morningside College in Sioux City
Major: Master�s degree program for family nurse practitioner
Career ambition: Serving as a nurse practitioner at a clinic in the surrounding area.
Preceptorship time frame: 200 clinical hours from September through November
Promise CHC preceptor: Tana Kass, advanced registered nurse practitioner
Thoughts on preceptorship: �I wanted to experience time in a community health atmosphere. I wanted to be able to see the difference between different types of clinics. An amazing experience and knowledge that I will always remember.�
Reflections about Promise: �It is a friendly atmosphere, and the people that I was with truly care about others.�

Faith Schiltz (left) completed
her preceptorship at Promise
CHC with Beth Strub, ARNP.
College: South Dakota State University in Brookings
Major: Master�s degree program for family nurse practitioner
Career ambition: Serve as a family nurse practitioner �to provide holistic, patient-centered care� and �collaborate with patients, families and the community to promote and improve health.�
Preceptorship time frame: October and November
Promise CHC preceptor: Beth Strub, advanced registered nurse practitioner
Thoughts on preceptorship: �My friend who recently graduated with her FNP had completed an internship at Promise. Our discussions of the comprehensive health and social services offered at Promise prompted me to seek an internship at Promise as well. . . I have been blessed to experience firsthand the passion of Promise supporters and staff, as well as witness their commitment to removing health-care barriers.�
Reflections about Promise: �Promise is filling a great need. They ensure access to comprehensive primary and preventative services regardless of income or insurance status. Promise works hand-in-hand with clients, staff and the community to eliminate health-care disparities.�

Amy Waterman (right)
did her preceptorship
with Pam Hulstein, CNM.
College: South Dakota State University in Brookings
Major: Master�s degree program for Family Nurse Practitioner
Career ambition: Care for individuals and families in the Siouxland area as a family nurse practitioner.
Preceptorship time frame: Up to 40 hours in obstetrics in October and November
Promise CHC preceptor: Pam Hulstein, certified nurse midwife
Reflections about Promise: �I truly respect what Promise is doing in our community. Many people are receiving the medical care they need and deserve in a caring and compassionate atmosphere.�

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is the only Federally Qualified Health Center serving the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit and watch this video. To read more Promise news, visit


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