Heidy Hernandez assumes receptionist role at Promise CHC

SIOUX CENTER � Heidy Hernandez hopes to make patients feel welcome and feel like they are in the best place they can be when they come into Promise Community Health Center.

As a new receptionist at Promise, she will be one of the first persons they will see.

Heidy Hernandez wants to make patients feel
welcome as they come into Promise Community
Health Center. She recently assumed her role
as a receptionist at the health center.
�I love to help people in their needs, and Promise is the best place to do that,� she said.

Heidy, who is bilingual in English and Spanish, grew up in South Sioux City, NE. She attended high school there and now is taking classes at Northwest Iowa College in Sheldon.

She worked at Orange City Health System, 2011-2013; at Rock Industries in Rock Valley, 2013-17; and at Hope Haven for a few months before starting at Promise.

She�s now happy to be at Promise.

�It has been a very good organization by helping the communities around Sioux County,� Heidy said. �Many people have been helped with their needs. That makes Promise one of the places that people want to come back to.

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is the only Federally Qualified Health Center serving the far northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision and behavioral health services. To learn more, visit www.promisechc.org and watch this video. To read more Promise news, visit promisechcnews.blogspot.com.

Heidy Hernandez and her husband, Raul Olmedo, live in Sheldon and have four children, Ashley, 12; Abigail, 6; Adrian, 5; and Anthony, 2. In her spare time, she loves spending as much time as possible with her family. She also enjoys playing soccer � her favorite sport.


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