Learn how to screen for opioid abuse and chemical dependency

SIOUX CENTER � The abuse of opioids has become an increasing problem nationwide, including right here in northwest Iowa.
People are becoming more aware of the dangers of these pain-reducing drugs � as well as other chemical dependency problems � but the questions is:
Rachel Wurth of Jackson Recovery Centers of
Sioux City presents about chemical dependency
and offer tips on identifying, assessing and
treating addiction for Promise Community Health
Center staff. She will lead a free community education
forum on these topics 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday,

Aug. 22, at Promise, which is sponsoring the event.

How can we identify people at risk and help keep them safe?
Rachel Wurth, MSN, ARNP FNP-BC, assistant medical director of Jackson Recovery Centers of Sioux City will lead a community education forum to answer this question and more.
Promise Community Health Center, 338 First Ave. NW, Sioux Center, will offer the free training event 9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Aug. 22. To register, visit opioidstraining.eventbrite.com.
�We want community resources to have the background and information they need to screen for suicide prevention and self-management of opioid abuse,� said Nathan Vander Plaats, executive director for Promise.
Dr. David Paulsrud of Jackson Recovery Centers
presents some of the history of chemical dependency
during a presentation for Promise Community Health
Center staff in June. Promise is excited to offer

a similar community education event, which is free,
9 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Aug. 22.

The training is geared toward medical, mental health and substance abuse disorder professionals in the care for their patients and clients, but any community member who would like to become better informed about opioids and other chemical dependency issues is encouraged to attend.
Health professionals can earn continuing education units (CEUs) through the training.
For more information, call Promise at 712-722-1700.

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center serving the northwest corner of Iowa. Promise provides medical, prenatal, dental, vision, behavioral health and family planning services. To learn more, visit www.promisechc.org and watch this video. To read more Promise news, visit promisechcnews.blogspot.com.
To register for the Wednesday, Aug. 22, substance abuse community education forum, visit opioidstraining.eventbrite.com. The event is free. Participants can earn continuing education units (CEUs).


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